
by | Mar 07,2022
As a company based in Texas, with employees located in areas affected by severe winter storms that caused massive blackouts, water, and food shortages; last week was certainly one of the most challenging weeks we’ve experienced. As we deal with crisis after crisis, a th...
10 Ways to Improve Team Efficiency And Productivity
by | Mar 04,2022
According to a CareerBuilder survey, about 75 percent of employers say that more than two hours of efficient work are lost every day. But it is not always obvious what exactly kills your team productivity. Let’s break down how utilizing the following tips can help your ...
by | Mar 03,2022
2021 was overwhelming for everyone, but especially for overworked, stretched-thin managers. This research shows that managers are twice as likely to be on the job market today than individual contributors, largely due to the pressure of keeping teams motivated and en...
What Leaders Should Focus on in 2022
by | Mar 02,2022
A couple of years ago, we all thought we'd be back to normal by now. Trauma and disruption would be behind us, and 2022 would be business as usual. Few of us expected that upheaval would be normal now. It's true that businesses can thrive in turmoil -- earthquakes re...
by | Mar 01,2022
The best word for the freelance revolution in 2022 is more. In no particular order, here are the trends to watch in global freelancing. 1.    More ... of everything freelance. It’s tough to be pessimistic about the freelance revolution. The data show market strength,...
by | Feb 28,2022
As you may have observed, society has gone through one of the largest changes that it has seen in over 100 years. One small virus known as the coronavirus caused Covid-19. And this has changed society and our business forever. In the 1980s and ’90s, the internet’s gr...

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