by GPG
Mar 02,2018
Every year, big companies put out lists of the top places to work. From hammocks and ping-pong tables to fully stocked break rooms and rooftop zen gardens, it may seem like company culture is directly tied to the amount of money you’re willing to spend. But a recent vis...
by GPG
Feb 28,2018
2018 est synonyme de grand changements; Celles dues à la transition numérique. Ces changements orchestrés par la digitalisation nous font poser des questions. Que vont devenir les canaux classiques commerciaux et de communication comme les centres d’appels ? Comment von...
by GPG
Feb 27,2018
Today, as more and more brands are chosen based on whether the overall customer experience matches their expectations, metrics are essential to help make sure call centre protocol is in line with these expectations.
However, at the same time, not every metric can be ...
by GPG
Feb 26,2018
La qualification de fichier est utilisée pour optimiser des campagnes de marketing et de téléprospection. En général, elle s’effectue par téléphone en contactant les personnes ou les entreprises concernées. Elle peut toutefois se faire par courrier ou email.
Durant ...
by GPG
Feb 23,2018
Enhancing call centre productivity depends largely on the type of tools used for the job. If effective and collaborative means are implemented, efficiency and productivity are almost guaranteed to increase.
In today’s technology market, there is no shortage in the rang...
by GPG
Feb 22,2018
ExCel LONDON Exhibition Centre
21 & 22 March 2018
GPG cordially invites you to join us and get a chance to meet with our CEO, Mr. Olivier Prado.
Book a meeting with him in London from 20th to 22nd of March.
Ph#: +44 208 077 1881
@: o.prado@gpg-callcen...